Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Pixelated Quilts
Katy from I'm a Ginger Monkey blogged last week about a new website that had just launched. Slightly late to the party, I went over tonight and wow! I have been waiting my whole life since August for this site.
I love pixelated quilts, at Festival last August I saw the most amazing Dr Who quilt and since then I have put making one myself at the quite near the top of my to make list.
You can see that quilt here and read Kristys story of its creation. Its amazing. I *whispers* don't even like David Tenant and I love it!
But, even though I have purchased books on pixel quilting, I hadn't got round to working out how I was actually going to make my quilt.
Enter YouPatch .
It does all that work that I couldn't get my head round for me.
The website is so easy to use.
You upload an image, this can be a family photo, movie star, anything/anybody you want to immortalise in fabric.
I chose Morrissey. Because ...well just because I love him lol!
I uploaded my image, I chose the difficulty level of the quilt (I chose hard because I am stupid hardcore*)
 I was able to change colours and edit pixels. Seriously easy.
*joking aside I personally preferred the look of the quilt pattern generated when I changed it to hard.
I decided I wanted to purchase my pattern, so I registered, which took no time at all and paid via paypal.
The cost is $9.50, which on paypal tonight converted to £5.50 approx. This is comparable with other craft patterns I have purchased as downloads.
But it costs nothing to play. You can upload your pictures and play around with no obligation to buy. Although when you see that making something so amazing is achievable I wasn't able to resist!
Mozza was then emailed to me, and he is printed out ready for me to start gathering fabrics.

look at him all young and gorgeous
Everything - apart from cutting and sewing - is done for you. The patterns are generated using Kona cottons as the colour but with a little effort I am sure you could adapt this for your solid fabric of choice.
I am very excited to get going on this - perhaps before we reopen????
 I am now going to tweet Andi at YouPatch to tell her that her website is a delight and try to make Morrissey before I pixelate anything else!!


  1. Look at you making the decision to move forward with your 1st pixel quilt. Thanks for the visit and link to my Doctor Who quilt.

  2. What a great review Claire. Thanks so much!!
    Can't wait to see Mozza in quilt glory!!
    Andi :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh my gawd, how hot does Mozza look in quilt form!

    Oh the possibilities this opens up!

    1. I know hot as a hot thing!! You can have anyone you like on your bed ;)

  5. oh wowsers - can't wait to see this!!!!!


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