Wednesday, 31 March 2010


I have a child free morning so I will be having a Patch morning and playing with ribbon.
I shall have pictures tomorrow of my hard work!
It hasn't all been work - I am fitting in a very small amount of crafting.....
making this cafetiere first go at one.....
I used some red narrow stripe trim for the ties....
I think everybody will be getting one of these for their birthday and Christmas was one of those projects that takes longer to measure and cut than to sew!!
I got the instructions to make it from the Tilda Sew Pretty pattern just a case of measuring your pot!! (I left off the complicated curvy bits!!)

Ok back to the ribbon.....
(if you want to see pictures a little bit earlier then join the Patch Fanpage on facebook..I'll be uploading my days work on there tonight.....)

Monday, 29 March 2010


So Patch is here...thank you to everyone for offering your support.
I spent the weekend reflecting on what needed to be changed on my website, and a few things need tweaking.
Until I have the fabric, the site is only 'half there'...and I am eagerly awaiting my fabric I know lots of you are!!

The site has been written with the fabric stock in mind, so the postage costs are very reasonable for the delivery of fabric - £1.95 for any sized order up to £45.00 when it becomes free. However I have noticed that when I am posting ribbon only, that amount of postage is not necessary.
As a customer I like my p&p to be good value so as a shopkeeper I am determined to offer a service I would want to use. I am going to tweak the ribbon shop, and alter the postage costs.
So regardless of how much ribbon you buy, the delivery will cost just £1....
(all this weekends customers will be refunded the extra they paid)

Thats what these early days are about, finding out what is working..what is not...
Thank You for bearing with me!!!
One of my favourite items at Patch are the gorgeous ribbon rosettes - already proving to be popular.
Lots of crafty uses...the manufacturer suggests decorating a photo frame....a great wedding gift? I am going to stitch some to the neckline of a cardigan, once I decide what colour!!!
You can find them here.
Its great to see that Patch has some followers already..both here and on facebook (scroll down to bottom of page for a link to the fb fan page for Patch). I shall have a ribbony giveaway (or 2...) once those numbers reach 100!!!

Friday, 26 March 2010

The beginning.................................

I'm glad you could join me!!!

The ribbon shop is stocked and waiting...we also have ric rac and cords and trims.

I hope you will pop over and have a look..please do tell me what you think. All constructive criticism gratefully received!! If you have any problems looking at anything over at Patch, let me know.
(you can click on the patch logo on the sidebar to go straight there)

New items will be added regularly, I will be taking delivery of some delicious fabric in the next few weeks....

Please come back and visit again, this blog is where I will be showing the items I am stocking, and where I will talk about new items too. I will be having giveaways and special offers.........and general ramblings about 'stuff'!!

Its been a crazy couple of months getting my website ready, ordering stock, rearranging our home, but now I am almost there....
I'll be back soon, but in the meantime....cheers!!

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